About Me

Teacher and Parent. I am a Certified Irlen Screener and currently working as a teacher and Literacy Coach. I love reading and helping children learn to read is my passion in life. Please visit my Facebook page at: www.facebook.com/DyslexiaAndIrlenSyndrome

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Reading Fluency and Comprehension

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Reading Fluency and Comprehension: "Current research suggests that fluency is a big factor in determining how well the reader is understanding what they are reading. IE- Compre..."

Reading Fluency and Comprehension

Current research suggests that fluency is a big factor in determining how well the reader is understanding what they are reading. IE- Comprehension. If after the first reading, it does not sound fluent and has many interruptions due to a large amount of processing, then it is ok to read that same text a second time to get a flow of words and a feel or the story.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Advice for parents about starting school

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Advice for parents about starting school: "Parents are always concerned about what to do when their child starts school for the first time. The Education Review has recently published..."

Advice for parents about starting school

Parents are always concerned about what to do when their child starts school for the first time. The Education Review has recently published some tips that parents can do with their children before the first day of school. The first tip is to practise routines: Help your child to prepare for the routines they will need, from getting up and going to bed at certain times, to dressing themselves, and the journey there and back.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Try and make learning fun

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: Try and make learning fun: "You should try and make reading fun. Check out this YouTube clip to see what I mean. What do you think about this video? Post your comments ..."

Try and make learning fun

You should try and make reading fun. Check out this YouTube clip to see what I mean.
What do you think about this video? Post your comments below.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: What to do when children have difficulty calling u...

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: What to do when children have difficulty calling u...: "Some children have trouble calling up the name of a letter or a label for a word. When this happens, associate that letter or word with some..."

What to do when children have difficulty calling up the name of a letter or a label for a word

Some children have trouble calling up the name of a letter or a label for a word. When this happens, associate that letter or word with something familiar to them. For example, if they have trouble remembering the name of the letter "p". The child's name might be Peter, so link it to their name. Say "your name starts with that letter?".

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: The Benefits of Reading Familiar Texts

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: The Benefits of Reading Familiar Texts: "The reading of easy, familiar texts should always be encouraged because it strengthens the decision making process of the reader and provide..."

The Benefits of Reading Familiar Texts

The reading of easy, familiar texts should always be encouraged because it strengthens the decision making process of the reader and provides revision and reinforcement of those reading strategies that have already been obtained.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: The Importance of Observing your Students

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: The Importance of Observing your Students: "Teachers need to observe what their students can do to help prevent the struggles with literacy learning. These observation can then i..."

The Importance of Observing your Students

Teachers need to observe what their students can do to help prevent the struggles with literacy learning.  These observations can then inform the teacher about many strategies the student may or may not be using.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: 3 Steps to help with reading and writing success

Daily Reading Tips For Parents and Teachers: 3 Steps to help with reading and writing success: "1. Provide good preschool experiences and opportunities for children. This includes lots of opportunities to talk and exposure to books and ..."

3 Steps to help with reading and writing success

1. Provide good preschool experiences and opportunities for children. This includes lots of opportunities to talk and exposure to books and book language.
2. Ensure the school can provide a good program for literacy learning in the early years.
3. An intervention program for those facing difficulties and adequate provision of specialist services for those who continue to have problems after the intervention.